What If My Child Isn’t Motivated to Get Treatment for Addiction?
Suggesting Treatment to a Loved One
Intervention – a Starting Point
Drug Use, Stigma, and the Proactive Contagions to Reduce Both
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Abstinence From Drugs of Abuse in Community-Based Members of Narcotics Anonymous
Results: Respondents were 71.5% male; the mean age was 38.1 years; 68.2% were White; and the principal drug problems comprised cocaine (28.5%), heroin (27.5%), other opiates (13.4%), methamphetamine (12.9%), alcohol (8.6%), marijuana (6.6%), and other stimulants (2.5%). Eighty-seven percent had prior treatment for a substance use disorder. On average respondents had first encountered NA at age 26.9, they had been abstinent an average of 5.7 years at the time they filled out the questionnaire, and 47.5% had served as sponsors. Ninety-four percent designated themselves as spiritual, and only 29.6% designated themselves as religious.
Conclusions: NA offers support for long-term abstinence from diverse misuse of drugs among users of different backgrounds.
(Source: Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs)
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Portraying Abstinence Recovery as Puritanical Is in the Interest of Those Who Sell Addictive Drugs:
Abstinence has long been a central facet in recovery as defined by people with severe SUDs as their lived experience. Abstinence is critical for people on the far end of this spectrum for whom use often leads to suffering and death. Lumping it all under the term recovery is unhelpful at best, doing so conflates substance misuse that may respond to attempts to moderate with more severe conditions in which a person uses until death unless they abstain from use
…We also have to be careful to do so in ways we do not normalize problematic drug use and addiction in ways that we allow people to continue to suffer under the guise of choice. Addiction is a brain condition impacting cognition. This movement is unintentionally creating additional suffering for persons with severe SUDs.
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The Longer You Abstain from Alcohol the Lower the Risk – After 20 years of alcohol abstention, the increased mortality risk disappeared.
Best health practices should always be on the table – always. The continual couching of abstinence as a ‘bridge to far’ is not only disingenuous to those self-harming with alcohol, but also disempowering. One thing best-health care practice should do is empower, enable, and equip people to not only discover, but persist in health maximising endeavours. (Source: American Journal of Preventative Medicine May 2023)
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How the former 'heroin capital of Europe' decriminalised drugs (Winning the War on Drugs?)| SBS Dateline
The How is not the issue – that’s easy. What has it achieved and why are key public figures wanting things to change? Portugal Mayor Supports Recriminalizing Public Drug Use
Some points one may miss in the ‘showcase of progress’ that isn’t?
- Treatment and recovery but you must have the desire to stop.
- Underground drug trade is thriving. 24:00 Minutes
- All drugs in Portugal are no longer treated as a criminal offense but are still illegal.
- Person can have up to 10 days’ supply e.g. 25 grams marijuana
- Selling is a felony.
- Drug use is widespread with decriminalisation.
(For complete episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0BwrwB0wno )
See also
- The Truth on Portugal – Countering False Claims by Pro-Drug Activists
- Portugal Drug Policy – A Review Of The Evidence! Portugal Drug Policy Highlights Many Problems that Make it Unsuitable for Australia
Better Options:
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“If we are going to say ‘NO’ to violence against women – and we must – then we cannot say ‘Yes’ to drug use!” Dalgarno Institute
“Continuing acceptance and normalisation of drug using behaviours by the culture, whether overt promotion of products or the libertarian pursuit of individual ‘rights’, the acceptance of psychotropic toxins in social and familial settings only grows and will act counter to the need to shift cultural attitudes underpinning ‘acceptable’ violence toward women and children.”