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The 21st century terrorist’s drug of choice is a pill called Captagon whose effects while similar to cocaine, are even more extreme, making its users capable of super-human violence while totally erasing what remains of a human conscience.
Captagon has been found among Daesh (ISIS) and al-Qaeda fighters in Libya, Iraq, Syria, as well as in terrorist shipping roots in France and Italy, just to name a few. But other drugs also play their role.
Soldiers in The Philippines have discovered that the Daesh aligned Maute Group who for months occupied the city of Marawi in Mindanao, were taking the drug known as Shabu, a powerful methamphetamine which has been at the root of South East Asia’s drug problem.
Most of the infamous mass shooter terrorists in the United States and other western countries have been on powerful drugs before and/or during their horrific crimes. Perhaps then it is no wonder that the levels of mass shootings in the United States have increased in-line with a parallel increase in the use of prescription drugs.
For complete story Drug Fuelled Terrorism
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Over 90% of parents who have used marijuana over the past year also reported using alcohol, according to a new study
Parents who used marijuana and drank alcohol over the past year had some of the biggest risks for carrying out physical abuse…Parents who have used marijuana in the past year are more likely than non-users on average to discipline their kids through corporal punishment (like a slap or spank), physical abuse (like a hit on the head or a kick) and also nonviolent tactics (like loss of privileges or time-outs), according to a new study examining 2009 data on the impact of substance use on parenting.
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At a smart dinner party, where cocaine is passed around like canapes, the wealthy guests likely do not think about the class A drug’s dark origins.
Behind these decadent suburban scenes are the end result of a supply chain that involves environmental devastation, violence, high-level corruption and crimes including gang warfare, sex trafficking and terrorism.
And it is why Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick told middle-class drug users that they had “blood on their hands”.
Police Federation deputy treasurer Simon Kempton heaped blame on wealthy middle class people for the boom in class A drug sales.
He said: “If you look at why there is a market for cocaine from South America it is because people who can afford it are buying it and fuelling the problem. “Street-level users are a problem because they steal to fund their habit. But on their own they will not support an organised-crime group.
“The big market is people with money to spend and they are often oblivious to the misery they cause because it is not on their doorstep.
“Middle-class drug users do not come across the radar of police because they are consuming it behind closed doors. There’s a lack of personal responsibility.”
Far from a victimless crime, taking cocaine leaves bloody footsteps and even death from the streets in our town and across the world.
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(The Monster that is Marijuana A-Motivation; and people what governments to endorse this psychotropic toxin through law??!!)
A woman found guilty of spiking her baby's sippy cup with a fatal dose of fentanyl committed the crime in order to quiet the child so she could "sit back, relax and smoke marijuana," a prosecutor said Monday.
Assistant district attorney Diana Page told a Pennsylvania jury that Jhenea Pratt, 23, drugged her 17-month-old daughter, Charlette Napper-Talley, in April 2018 with the "specific intent to kill," according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
"That baby was getting in the way of her enjoying her pastime," Page claimed, referencing the mother's drug use.
Pratt was convicted on Tuesday of involuntary manslaughter and endangering the welfare of a child.
Tests received by the Allegheny County medical examiner’s office revealed the presence of fentanyl in the toddler's blood. Red liquid inside a pink sippy cup found on the toddler's bed also tested positive for enough of the potent drug to "kill two horses," Detective Michael Flynn said during an interrogation.
When asked how the incident may have unfolded, Pratt told investigators,"I have no knowledge as to how fentanyl got into my daughter's sippy cup."