How the former 'heroin capital of Europe' decriminalised drugs (Winning the War on Drugs?)| SBS Dateline
The How is not the issue – that’s easy. What has it achieved and why are key public figures wanting things to change? Portugal Mayor Supports Recriminalizing Public Drug Use
Some points one may miss in the ‘showcase of progress’ that isn’t?
- Treatment and recovery but you must have the desire to stop.
- Underground drug trade is thriving. 24:00 Minutes
- All drugs in Portugal are no longer treated as a criminal offense but are still illegal.
- Person can have up to 10 days’ supply e.g. 25 grams marijuana
- Selling is a felony.
- Drug use is widespread with decriminalisation.
(For complete episode )
See also
- The Truth on Portugal – Countering False Claims by Pro-Drug Activists
- Portugal Drug Policy – A Review Of The Evidence! Portugal Drug Policy Highlights Many Problems that Make it Unsuitable for Australia
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